S T E V E N | F R E E M A N


s o n g s a b o u t a b o y

Singles off of The American Dream

The American Dream Tracklist

  1. The American Dream
  2. Plastic Flowers
  3. Summertime With You
  4. Gangsta Boy
  5. Driving in Cars With Girls
  6. Young Until We Die
  7. Star Spangled Baby
  8. Paradise
  9. Dead
  10. Breakfast In The Hampton's
  11. A Kiss For You & The Boys
  12. Flower Child

My album "The American Dream" are all songs I've written myself about a boy who broke my heart. I was inspired to write about our past relationship and everything we went through. We broke up about four months ago and we were together for two years, so I had a lot to write about. I wouldn't say that I'm fully over him, but I think writing/recording this album is helping me get there. Our relationship wasn't healthy, although we did have some good times. I'm hoping my album will reach out to others and relate to them.

My album is very Indie Hip-Hop sounding mixed with a little bit of Frank Sinatra. The album is set in the Summer and the beats sound so fresh to death. Summertime was our favorite time of the year. We got into trouble, partied all night, played video games, it was like an adventure. I can't explain it, we would do everything together, it was the only time we were actually free. That's why I wanted the mind set to be in the Summer.

My biggest inspiration is Lana Del Rey. She went through the same thing as me it seems like, and I thought why not write an album about my break up as well? Her music has changed the way I see things in life. It makes me cry in a good and bad way. Whenever I listen to her it feels like a natural high, I can't get enough of it. I can relate to her album and she made me want to get myself out there and express the thing I love which is music. She is a true artist and I look up to her.

  • Music
  • An art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
  • American
  • Of, relating to, or characteristic of the United States or its inhabitants.
  • Dream
  • A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.
  • Call me anything but yours.

    For more information go to The American Dream.

    If you have questions go to Steven Freeman.

    To listen to The American Dreams first single go to Summertime With You.